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L-shaped executive desk for office, large L-shaped office desk, 1800mm executive office table, L-shaped business workstation, executive L-shaped corner desk, 1800mm executive office desk, L-shaped executive table for office, large L-shaped executive table, 1800mm L-shaped work desk, L-shaped office executive table, spacious L-shaped office desk, executive corner workstation, 1800mm executive work table, L-shaped executive desk for business, large executive office desk, L-shaped office corner table, 1800mm L-shaped executive office table, L-shaped desk with storage, executive L-shaped office furniture, large L-shaped workstation, 1800mm L-shaped business desk, L-shaped executive desk with drawers, spacious executive desk, 1800mm executive corner table, L-shaped executive table with storage, large L-shaped office furniture, 1800mm L-shaped office workstation, L-shaped business office desk, executive L-shaped work desk, large L-shaped corner desk, 1800mm executive table with storage, L-shaped workstation for office, spacious L-shaped executive workstation, 1800mm office desk with drawers, L-shaped executive office desk with storage, large office executive desk, L-shaped workstation with drawers, 1800mm executive office workstation, L-shaped executive corner workstation, spacious executive office desk, 1800mm L-shaped desk with storage, L-shaped executive workstation with drawers, large L-shaped business desk, L-shaped corner workstation, 1800mm L-shaped executive desk with drawers, L-shaped office furniture with storage, spacious office workstation, 1800mm L-shaped executive table with drawers, L-shaped executive corner table, large L-shaped executive workstation, 1800mm L-shaped office furniture with storage, L-shaped executive workstation with storage, spacious L-shaped business desk, 1800mm executive office corner desk, L-shaped business workstation with drawers, large L-shaped office table with storage, 1800mm L-shaped corner workstation, L-shaped executive business desk, spacious L-shaped executive office desk, 1800mm L-shaped work desk with storage, L-shaped executive office workstation with drawers, large L-shaped executive office desk, L-shaped executive workstation with storage, 1800mm L-shaped executive office table with drawers, L-shaped corner office table, spacious L-shaped office workstation, 1800mm executive corner workstation, L-shaped office desk with drawers, large L-shaped business workstation, L-shaped executive table with drawers, 1800mm L-shaped executive desk for business, L-shaped executive office workstation with storage, spacious executive office workstation, 1800mm L-shaped business office table, L-shaped executive corner workstation with drawers, large L-shaped desk with storage, L-shaped workstation with drawers and storage, 1800mm executive office furniture, L-shaped executive desk for business office, spacious L-shaped office desk with storage, 1800mm L-shaped office corner workstation, L-shaped business executive workstation, large L-shaped business desk with storage, L-shaped executive table with drawers and storage, 1800mm L-shaped executive office furniture with storage, L-shaped executive corner desk with storage, spacious L-shaped executive office table, 1800mm L-shaped desk for business office, L-shaped executive workstation with drawers and storage, large executive office workstation, L-shaped office corner desk with storage, 1800mm executive business workstation, L-shaped business office table with storage, spacious L-shaped office table with drawers, 1800mm L-shaped business desk with storage, L-shaped executive office workstation with storage and drawers, large executive corner workstation, L-shaped office desk with storage and drawers, 1800mm L-shaped executive office workstation with storage, L-shaped business desk with drawers, spacious L-shaped executive workstation with storage, 1800mm L-shaped corner desk with storage, L-shaped executive corner workstation with storage, large L-shaped office furniture with drawers, L-shaped executive office workstation with storage, spacious L-shaped business office desk, 1800mm L-shaped executive corner workstation with storage, L-shaped office desk with drawers and storage, large executive office desk with storage, L-shaped executive desk with storage and drawers, 1800mm executive office desk with storage and drawers, L-shaped business workstation with storage, spacious executive desk with drawers, 1800mm L-shaped executive office desk with drawers, L-shaped executive office furniture with storage, large L-shaped corner workstation with drawers, L-shaped executive corner desk with storage and drawers, 1800mm L-shaped office workstation with drawers and storage, L-shaped executive corner workstation with drawers and storage, spacious L-shaped executive desk with drawers and storage, 1800mm L-shaped executive office furniture with drawers and storage, L-shaped executive office desk with drawers and storage, large L-shaped office furniture with storage and drawers, L-shaped office desk with drawers and storage, 1800mm L-shaped executive office desk with storage and drawers, L-shaped executive corner desk with storage and drawers, large L-shaped executive office furniture with storage, L-shaped executive office workstation with storage and drawers, spacious L-shaped executive desk with storage and drawers, 1800mm L-shaped executive office furniture with storage and drawers.
1800mm L-shaped executive table Original price was: KSh 68,000.00.Current price is: KSh 58,000.00.
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Office cabinet, office storage cabinet, metal office cabinet, office filing cabinet, lockable office cabinet, office storage solution, steel office cabinet, office document cabinet, office furniture storage, office cabinet with lock, office storage unit, office file cabinet, office cabinet for documents, wooden office cabinet, office cabinet with shelves, office organization cabinet, office cabinet with drawers, modern office cabinet, office supply cabinet, office storage organizer, secure office cabinet, small office cabinet, office filing storage, office storage furniture, office cabinet with doors, office cabinet with lock and key, office filing unit, tall office cabinet, office cabinet with shelves and doors, office storage cupboard, metal filing cabinet, executive office cabinet, office storage with lock, office storage cabinet with doors, compact office cabinet, office cabinet with key, contemporary office cabinet, office storage solution with lock, industrial office cabinet, office file storage unit, office archive cabinet, large office cabinet, office supply storage cabinet, office cabinet for files, office lockable cabinet, office storage drawer cabinet, lockable office storage cabinet, office cabinet with keys, office file organizer, wooden office storage cabinet, office metal storage cabinet, office furniture cabinet, steel filing cabinet, office storage solution with shelves, office shelving unit, office furniture storage cabinet, office desk cabinet, office cabinet with adjustable shelves, office cabinet for folders, office cupboard with lock, office cabinet with glass doors, office storage cabinet with shelves, secure office storage, office storage furniture with lock, filing cabinet for office, office cabinet with drawer and shelves, industrial storage cabinet, office cabinet with glass, wooden filing cabinet, metal storage cabinet, office storage cupboard with lock, modern storage cabinet, office cabinet for supplies, office cupboard with lock and key, office steel filing cabinet, office document storage cabinet, office cabinet with drawers and shelves, lockable filing cabinet, office cabinet for documents and supplies, office supply cupboard, filing cabinet with lock, office cabinet with lock and drawers, secure office storage unit, office storage cabinet with key, office cabinet with lockable doors, office cupboard with shelves, metal office storage, office storage solution with drawers, modern office storage cabinet, steel office storage unit, executive office storage, office lockable storage solution, office supply organizer, filing cabinet for documents, office cabinet for papers, office cabinet with adjustable shelves, lockable office storage furniture, office organization furniture, office filing drawer, office storage with shelves, office lockable storage, office cabinet with shelving, lockable office drawer cabinet, secure filing storage, office cabinet with lock and key drawers, office cupboard for files, office drawer storage, metal filing storage cabinet, filing cabinet with drawers, office cabinet with shelves and drawers, office storage unit with lock, modern office furniture, office cabinet with glass shelves, office supply storage, filing storage unit, office cabinet for supplies and files, metal office storage furniture, office cupboard for documents, office filing and storage cabinet, lockable storage for office, steel office furniture, office cupboard with doors, office filing cabinet with drawers, metal office storage cabinet with lock, filing storage cabinet, lockable filing drawer, office storage cabinet with lockable doors, steel filing storage, office cabinet with lockable drawers, lockable office furniture, office cabinet with glass doors and shelves, office storage with drawers, lockable storage cabinet for office, filing storage for office, office cupboard with key lock, office cabinet with lockable shelves, metal cabinet for office storage, office storage cabinet with lock and drawers, office filing furniture, office cabinet with drawer and lock, secure office filing, lockable office storage unit, filing cabinet with secure lock, steel office storage cupboard, office cupboard with shelves and doors, office storage cabinet with adjustable shelves, office file storage cabinet with lock, metal office cabinet with lock, office cabinet with key lock, filing drawer with lock, office storage cabinet with shelves and drawers, secure office storage solution, office lockable storage furniture, filing cabinet with secure drawers, office furniture storage with lock, office cabinet with drawers and lock, office cabinet with lockable shelves and doors, lockable filing storage, office cupboard for supplies, office storage with glass doors, office filing cabinet with key lock, office cabinet with glass shelves and lock, office storage cabinet with glass doors, lockable office storage shelves, office filing cabinet with adjustable shelves, office storage with lock and key, office cabinet with shelves and drawers lock, office filing cabinet with lockable drawers, office storage solution with lockable doors, office cabinet with secure lock, lockable office storage cupboard, office filing cupboard with lock, lockable office filing storage, office drawer with lock and key, office cupboard with adjustable shelves, filing cabinet with adjustable shelves, lockable office storage with drawers, office cabinet with lock and key drawers and doors, office filing storage solution, office lockable storage cupboard, steel office storage with lock, office furniture with lockable storage, office cupboard with secure lock, office filing cabinet with glass doors, office storage cabinet with glass shelves, office lockable filing solution, office storage cupboard with key, office lockable filing drawer, secure office storage drawer, office cupboard with key and lock, lockable office drawer unit, office filing cupboard with adjustable shelves, lockable office furniture with shelves, secure filing storage cabinet, lockable storage cabinet with drawers, office filing drawer with lock, lockable office storage drawer, office furniture with secure lock, office filing cupboard with glass doors, secure filing cabinet for office, office storage cabinet with secure lock, lockable office filing cupboard, office drawer unit with lock, lockable office storage solution, office filing drawer with adjustable shelves, secure filing drawer for office, office filing cupboard with secure lock, lockable office filing storage drawer, filing drawer with secure lock, office cupboard with glass doors and shelves, secure filing storage unit, office filing cupboard with drawers and lock, office storage cupboard with glass doors and shelves, secure filing storage solution with lock, office furniture with secure filing drawer, office storage cabinet with lockable drawers and shelves, lockable office storage cupboard with glass doors, secure office filing cupboard with lock, office storage with secure drawers and lock, office filing solution with secure lock, office storage cabinet with lock and key drawers, secure filing cabinet with lockable shelves, office storage solution with lockable drawers and doors, office filing storage cupboard with lock, secure filing cupboard with glass doors and lock, office storage solution with lockable shelves and drawers, secure filing storage cupboard with lock and key, office filing drawer with glass doors and shelves, office storage with lock and key drawers, secure filing cupboard with lockable shelves and drawers, office filing solution with glass doors and shelves, office storage solution with glass doors and drawers, secure filing cupboard with glass doors and drawers, office filing storage solution with secure lock, secure filing storage solution with drawers and shelves, office storage cabinet with glass doors and drawers, secure filing storage solution with glass doors and shelves, office filing solution with lock and key drawers and shelves, office filing storage with lockable drawers and shelves, secure filing storage solution with glass doors and drawers, lockable office storage solution with glass doors and drawers.
Vertical Filing Cabinet with Lock Original price was: KSh 28,500.00.Current price is: KSh 24,500.00.

Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet

Modernize Your Workspace with the Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet

Organize your office or home with the sleek and durable Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet. Designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, this storage solution is perfect for anyone looking to add a modern touch to their space while ensuring everything stays neatly stored and easily accessible.

Original price was: KSh 28,500.00.Current price is: KSh 24,500.00.


Modernize Your Workspace with the Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet

Organize your office or home with the sleek and durable Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet. Designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, this storage solution is perfect for anyone looking to add a modern touch to their space while ensuring everything stays neatly stored and easily accessible.

Key Features:

  • Sleek Contemporary Design: The cabinet features clean lines and a minimalist design, making it a perfect fit for modern office spaces or contemporary home environments. Its understated elegance enhances any decor, providing a stylish storage solution that complements your space.
  • Durable Steel Construction: Built from high-quality steel, this cabinet is designed to withstand the demands of daily use. Its robust construction ensures long-lasting durability, making it a reliable choice for storing everything from office supplies to important documents.
  • Spacious Interior: The cabinet offers ample storage space with multiple shelves and compartments, allowing you to organize your items efficiently. Whether you need to store files, office equipment, or personal items, this cabinet provides the space you need to keep everything in order.
  • Secure Storage: Equipped with a secure locking mechanism, the cabinet ensures that your valuable items and confidential documents are safely stored away. The sturdy lock provides peace of mind, making it ideal for both office and home use.
  • Adjustable Shelving: The interior shelves are adjustable, allowing you to customize the cabinet’s storage capacity according to your needs. Whether storing large items or smaller accessories, you can configure the shelves to suit your specific requirements.
  • Powder-Coated Finish: The cabinet’s powder-coated finish not only enhances its visual appeal but also adds an extra layer of protection against scratches, corrosion, and wear. This ensures that the cabinet maintains its sleek appearance over time, even with frequent use.
  • Versatile Functionality: Ideal for a wide range of environments, from offices and workshops to garages and utility rooms, this steel storage cabinet offers versatile functionality. Its contemporary design and practical features make it a valuable addition to any space.

Why Choose the Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet?

The Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet is the perfect solution for anyone seeking a modern, durable, and functional storage option. Its combination of sleek design, robust construction, and secure storage makes it an excellent choice for both professional and personal use. Whether you need to organize an office, a home workspace, or a utility area, this cabinet provides the quality and style you need.

Product Specifications:

  • Material: High-Quality Steel
  • Dimensions: Height 1800mm x Width 900mm x Depth 450mm
  • Color Options: Black, White, Grey, Navy Blue
  • Finish: Powder-Coated
  • Shelving: Adjustable
  • Locking Mechanism: Secure Lock with Key
  • Assembly: Required (Includes Instructions and Hardware)
  • Warranty: 1-Year Limited Warranty

Enhance Your Storage with Style

Upgrade your storage solutions with the Contemporary Style Steel Storage Cabinet, and enjoy the perfect blend of modern design and practical functionality. Order yours today and bring organization and style to your workspace or home.