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sofa set, 5-seater office lounge seating, corporate executive seating solution, executive sofa set for office, 5-seater office leather sofa, executive office interior, 5-seater lounge suite set, office lounge seating layout, executive office lounge set, 5-seater leather executive suite, business office lounge seating, executive reception sofa set, 5-seater office reception sofa set, corporate office suite, executive office lounge seating solution, 5-seater lounge set for executives, corporate waiting room seating, executive lounge furniture set, 5-seater corporate reception sofa, office lounge layout, executive office seating design, 5-seater executive sofa layout, office reception lounge seating, corporate executive sofa set, 5-seater office suite seating, business office sofa set, executive office reception seating, 5-seater corporate leather sofa set, office waiting area seating solution, executive office lounge seating set, 5-seater reception sofa set, corporate reception lounge, executive waiting area lounge, 5-seater lounge seating solution, office seating layout for executives, executive office leather sofa, 5-seater lounge seating furniture, corporate reception sofa set, executive office suite seating, 5-seater leather lounge suite, office reception seating layout, executive seating suite, 5-seater executive lounge suite, corporate lounge sofa set, executive office lounge sofa set, 5-seater leather office lounge, business lounge seating set, executive reception seating set, 5-seater leather executive seating, corporate office lounge set, executive office reception lounge, 5-seater office lounge suite set, business office reception seating, executive lounge suite set, 5-seater leather office suite, corporate lounge seating solution, executive office lounge layout, 5-seater office reception suite, business executive lounge.
5-Seater executive office sofa Original price was: KSh 78,000.00.Current price is: KSh 68,000.00.
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vault, fireproof office safe with combination lock, fireproof media lockbox, fireproof personal storage vault, fireproof document vault with lock, fireproof digital and key lock safe, fireproof office storage lockbox, fireproof wall-mounted media safe, fireproof small security vault, fireproof and water-resistant storage safe, fireproof office media storage safe, fireproof media protection vault, fireproof safe for important files, fireproof small storage vault, fireproof media lockbox with digital lock, fireproof personal storage lockbox with digital lock, fireproof digital fireproof safe, fireproof office document safe, fireproof home fireproof safe, fireproof document vault with digital lock, fireproof media safe for home use, fireproof small fireproof lockbox, fireproof office document vault, fireproof storage box for legal documents, fireproof wall-mounted storage vault, fireproof media lock safe, fireproof personal document storage vault, fireproof and waterproof lock safe, fireproof office media vault, fireproof storage vault with lock, fireproof wall-mounted fireproof safe, fireproof small lockable storage box, fireproof document and media lockbox, fireproof personal fireproof storage safe, fireproof digital security lockbox, fireproof media vault for office use, fireproof safe with fingerprint and key lock, fireproof storage vault for media, fireproof document safe with lock, fireproof and water-resistant media safe, fireproof office storage vault, fireproof personal lockable safe with digital lock, fireproof small security lock safe, fireproof media vault with fingerprint lock, fireproof wall-mounted lockbox with digital lock, fireproof home fireproof storage vault, fireproof small lockable fire safe, fireproof office media lockbox, fireproof digital media storage safe, fireproof document and media safe with digital lock, fireproof home and office lockbox, fireproof personal document lockbox with digital lock, fireproof media storage vault for home use, fireproof office lockbox with digital lock, fireproof media protection lock safe, fireproof wall-mounted lockbox for documents, fireproof personal fireproof lockbox with digital lock, fireproof media storage safe for
Fireproof Safe Original price was: KSh 45,000.00.Current price is: KSh 38,500.00.

Office modern comfort sofa

Elevate Your Workspace with the Office Modern Comfort Sofa

Transform your office into a stylish and inviting space with the Office Modern Comfort Sofa. Designed for contemporary work environments. This sofa seamlessly combines modern aesthetics with plush comfort, making it an ideal choice for reception areas. Meeting rooms, or executive offices. Whether you’re welcoming clients or providing a cozy spot for employees to unwind, this sofa delivers both style and relaxation.

Original price was: KSh 115,000.00.Current price is: KSh 98,000.00.


Elevate Your Workspace with the Office Modern Comfort Sofa

Transform your office into a stylish and inviting space with the Office Modern Comfort Sofa. Designed for contemporary work environments. This sofa seamlessly combines modern aesthetics with plush comfort, making it an ideal choice for reception areas. Meeting rooms, or executive offices. Whether you’re welcoming clients or providing a cozy spot for employees to unwind, this sofa delivers both style and relaxation.

Key Features:

  • Sleek Modern Design: The Office Modern Comfort Sofa features clean lines and a minimalist silhouette, embodying modern elegance. Its streamlined design fits perfectly into any contemporary office setting, adding a touch of sophistication to your workspace.
  • Comfortable Seating: With its generously padded cushions and supportive backrest, this sofa offers exceptional comfort for anyone who sits down. The high-density foam padding ensures that the sofa retains its shape while providing a plush seating experience, ideal for long meetings or casual discussions.
  • Premium Upholstery: Crafted from high-quality fabric or leatherette, the sofa’s upholstery is both durable and soft to the touch. The material is designed to withstand daily use while maintaining a luxurious appearance. Making it a practical and stylish choice for any office.
  • Sturdy Construction: Built on a solid wood or metal frame, the Office Modern Comfort Sofa is designed for durability and stability. Its robust construction ensures that the sofa can handle the demands of a busy office environment while remaining comfortable and supportive.
  • Versatile Placement: Whether you need seating for a reception area. A lounge space, or an executive office, this sofa is versatile enough to fit in a variety of settings. Its compact yet spacious design makes it easy to incorporate into different office layouts.
  • Easy Maintenance: The upholstery is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that the sofa remains looking fresh and new with minimal effort. The durable material resists stains and wear, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas.
  • Multiple Color Options: Available in a range of contemporary colors, the Office Modern Comfort Sofa can be customized to match your office decor. Choose from neutral tones for a subtle look or bold colors to make a statement in your workspace.

Why Choose the Office Modern Comfort Sofa?

The Office Modern Comfort Sofa is more than just a piece of furniture—it’s a statement of style and comfort. Its modern design, combined with plush seating and durable materials, makes it the perfect addition to any office looking to create a welcoming and professional environment. Whether you’re impressing clients or providing a relaxing space for employees, this sofa delivers the ideal balance of form and function.

Product Specifications:

  • Material: High-Quality Fabric or Leatherette Upholstery, Solid Wood or Metal Frame
  • Color Options: Charcoal Grey, Navy Blue, Beige, Black, White
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 1800mm to 2400mm (varies by model)
    • Depth: 800mm
    • Height: 750mm
  • Cushioning: High-Density Foam
  • Weight Capacity: 600 lbs
  • Assembly Required: Minimal (includes instructions and hardware)

Upgrade Your Office Today

Add a touch of modern elegance to your office with the Office Modern Comfort Sofa. Perfect for any professional setting, this sofa combines sleek design with superior comfort, making it a must-have for any contemporary workspace. Order yours today and experience the difference in style and comfort.

SEO Keywords: office modern comfort sofa, modern office sofa, comfortable office seating, contemporary office furniture, reception area sofa, stylish office couch, durable office sofa, plush office seating, modern office decor, professional office lounge.